Poligon kreativni center
Who are we?
In 2014 Poligon Creative Centre has been established in Ljubljana as the first Slovenian creative centre, operating as an autonomous platform for empowerment of freelancers, creative startups and communities. Poligon has also produced numerous conferences and other events to introduce new concepts and educate key stakeholders, organized exhibitions promoting Slovenian creatives internationally and produced several research and policy papers commissioned by government and municipality stakeholders. Recognized as one of the best practices in Europe, Poligon and its know-how are regularly shared at numerous conferences and workshops around Europe and wider region.
Poligon operates as private NGO and so far, doesn’t receive any public funding.
Which phases of startups do we support?
- Business idea
- Seed/startup
Startups from which industries are we servicing?
Lifestyle and Entertainment
- Poligon is a training ground for creative communities and self-employed operating in the field of creative economies, social entrepreneurship and culture.
What kind of services do we offer?
Business know-how
- Poligon Classroom: a set of most relevant lectures and workshops by local and international speakers from the field of creative economies and social entrepreneurship
Networking & matchmaking
- Various networking events and conferences.
- Coworking Space: Poligon is a creative centre. Established on grounds of the coworking work method and enhanced with very diverse additional content, specially designed for its full-time and part-time users – Poligon Residents. They offer: 60+ desks, 7 offices, meeting room, Gallery space and Event spaces. A membership at Poligon offers daily, multi-day and monthly membership passes, which provide access to all its infrastructure. The space is also available for events, workshops or gatherings.
- Poligon Maker Lab and Photo Services: A workshop with a 3D printer and other technical equipment, which enables quick prototyping and high-quality product development. Additionally, Poligon offers a photographic service specialised for high quality product photography.
- Crowdfunding Lab: Consulting and support platform.
What is our vision?
Poligon Creative Centre is more than just a coworking space with a community which shares space and equipment. Poligon operates two specialized labs and we’ve also created a special programme of events for our Residents and Friends to help them increase their knowledge and skills and help them further develop as professionals.
How can you contact us?
Poligon creative centre

Poligon is open Monday - Friday, from 8:00 to 19:00 (and during events)
Tobačna ulica 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia